What does a story look like? How do you know when you've written one?
5 words, 500 words, or 50,000 words?
Prose, or poetry?
First person, or third person?
I'm more interested in a story appearing, than its appearance (if you see what I mean...)
So I say, don't worry about what you think it should look like. Chances are what you end up with will be different to how you imagined it anyway. Stories have a habit of writing themselves, once the words find the page...
I joined in with a creative writing workshop this morning. We did a few random tasks to generate ideas, spent a few minutes writing, then sharing was optional. We all started with the same tools and prompts, but came up with completely different shaped stories. That's why words are magic - you can weave them together in your own unique way.
Here's the story I made with pen and paper from: 'Wind powered acrostic'
How do I know it's a story?
Well, it tells me something about what a turbine does, in just 7 words.
I could add description to each line and make it longer, but I think it sounds rather good as it is: an accidental poem!
Updated: Aug 17, 2023
At the beginning of a story I wrote, the main character was not keen on reading and even when his teacher encouraged him to escape into an adventure, he still insisted there was already too much going on in his own head to take in anyone else's world. No spoilers here, but our reluctant reader does become more interested in books as the pages turn and he realises there's more to a paper caper than just words!
A literary journey can get going when someone is given the right book. Simple as that! But what if it starts with meeting the right person to give it to you...
If you know a reluctant reader, or you are one yourself, it's probably just that they, or you, haven't yet discovered the story that will ignite curiosity. It may be a story that's already familiar; you just didn't get a spark the first time around. Or it may be the person who will offer you that book hasn't found you yet. Be they a librarian, teacher, bookseller, friend or family - they'll be waiting somewhere with something precious to share with you. When it happens, you might not even know; but in time you'll remember and want to pass that gift to someone else so they can experience the magic of reading too.
Ooh, I got all philosophical there! It's because I believe there really is a story, poem, comic, recipe book out there for everyone. It will find you when you least expect it, which is usually when you need it the most. Be bold and brave; read what's around you, write down what you notice and how it makes you feel. It might just be the spark you need to start your own story.
Updated: Aug 17, 2023
Consider these phrases:
Birds nesting
Buds opening
Blossom forming
Days lengthening
Nights warming
Now, close your eyes and try to form an image of what those things made you think of...
Did you collect them together, in one scene? Or did you see them as separate images?
Did you even see any images?
(Don't worry if you didn't - some people don't 'see' in pictures, we're all different)
How did those phrases make you feel? Why?
What did those things remind you of?
What else could you add?
Asking yourself questions and creating a mental picture (however you do it) is a great way to stir imagination - think of it like gathering the ingredients you need to make a cake.
I'm rubbish at making cakes, but very good at eating them!
Look out the window from your desk, or better still get out there for a walk and see the world around you. It might be just what you need to get a story started...