Definition of a metaphor:
A figure of speech in which something is referred to or compared with a thing it resembles;
metaphor permits understanding of the image of that thing by encouraging us to see it in a different light.
We are blessed with many words and images to choose from when creating metaphors, giving endless possibilities to the meaning we can attribute to an object or a scene. However the writer describes ‘a thing’ is not necessarily going to be ‘the thing’ that a reader sees in that same passage. Whether the writer carefully constructs the metaphor, or simply throws words at the page, they trust their reader will make their own mental images to support meaning. The effect being like making a movie of the story in your head while you read.
Two florists have the same number and types of stems to arrange. Will their bouquets look identical?
Two chefs start with the same ingredients. Will the meals they plate up taste the same?
Teachers are not always trying to teach something
Engineers are not always trying to build stuff
Gardeners are not always trying to grow things
Actors are not always in character
Clowns do not always wear red noses
Writers do not always speak in metaphors
Spend time with friends, because you enjoy their company
Plant seeds, because you like sweet peas or runner beans
Be creative, because you want to
