Consider these phrases:
Birds nesting
Buds opening
Blossom forming
Days lengthening
Nights warming
Now, close your eyes and try to form an image of what those things made you think of...
Did you collect them together, in one scene? Or did you see them as separate images?
Did you even see any images?
(Don't worry if you didn't - some people don't 'see' in pictures, we're all different)
How did those phrases make you feel? Why?
What did those things remind you of?
What else could you add?
Asking yourself questions and creating a mental picture (however you do it) is a great way to stir imagination - think of it like gathering the ingredients you need to make a cake.
I'm rubbish at making cakes, but very good at eating them!
Look out the window from your desk, or better still get out there for a walk and see the world around you. It might be just what you need to get a story started...